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Four ways to prepare for your professional headshot

If you’re about to go for a professional business headshot, there are some things you will need to think about carefully in order to look your best. Don’t leave it until the last minute. Your professional headshot will be seen by a lot of people on LinkedIn and you may well use it for a good few years, so you have to know you’re going to be happy with the results.

Here are just four things to think about ahead of your photo shoot.


Solid colours look best in headshots, as they won’t detract from your face and lend an air of professionalism. If you do decide to go for something patterned, keep it as simple as possible. It’s worth bringing along a few tops to the shoot and getting some advice from the photographer, but always make sure your clothes are neatly pressed, because creases are difficult to iron out digitally.


Always bring some product and a brush or comb along to tame those flyaways. Make sure your hair is clean and neatly styled, or if you can afford to, consider hiring a stylist on the morning. For those with long hair, it’s worth having a few shots with your hair down and some with your hair up in a ponytail to choose from.


Start off as natural as you can and build your way up throughout the shoot, working your way up to bolder eyeshadow and lipstick. You want your skin to have that ‘dewy’, fresh look, so avoid matte powders which dry the skin out and bring along moisturiser and lip gloss. Anything which can soften the appearance of your makeup will work well on camera. For men and women, don’t alter your beauty regimes too much before a professional photo shoot, as this can cause flare-ups or skin irritation. For men, shave just before you head to your shoot if you want to look fresh-faced and professional.


Practice really does make perfect. While your photographer will be able to advise you on the best place to stand, how to hold your head and all the other practicalities, only you can show off your best smile. There are lots of different types of grin and smiling really can be improved with practice. Flash your best smile in the mirror a few times before you go to your shoot. It will boost your confidence on your big day!