You're a media professional on the lookout for a career break. You've established a solid portfolio of work in your area, be it web design, marketing, modern art, or innovative zero gravity fish massage. You have literally tens of contacts who will all vouch for your skills and expertise, and now you're looking to use your LinkedIn profile to kick start your hunt for that extra special job or big break. It's the ultimate level up.
So why on earth are you still using that mugshot from Kate and Dave's New Year's Eve party two years ago No, you don't look friendly and professional yet relaxed. You just look drunk and to be honest, a little bit creepy.
First impressions count in business just like they do in real life. Having a professional headshot taken for use on your LinkedIn profile could be the most sensible decision you made since turning down that second kebab at 3am on January 1, 2016.
While potential businesses like to employ well-rounded employees, they also trawl through hundreds of applicants every week. If you don't look like a serious candidate at first glance, you've blown it before they even start reading.
Studies have shown that interviewers actually make their mind up within the first 60 seconds, and the same logic should be applied to your online presence. So imagine that for a minimal fee, we can sell you a product that will boost your chances of realising your dreams and getting that all important job application response.
Well, we can. It's called a professional headshot, and it's dirt cheap. SafetyPin provide affordable photographs for just this sort of thing, taken by our experienced and efficient photographers. We specialise in making you look good, and this includes letting your personality shine through. So you needn't be worried about looking all stuffed up in your shirt that's too tight and your tie that's strangling you. Just turn up on time in your usual work getup - or a few minutes early if you really want - and let us do the rest.
We know what we're doing. We've done this before. Check out our gallery and if you like what you see then get in touch to book your session today. Did I mention that it only costs a tenner?
Stand out from the crowd with your professional headshot
Your digital self is the most accessible way for someone to try and work out who they think you are. This not only applies to people in your personal life, but can include colleagues, business partners, clients, as well as current and prospective employers.
Your LinkedIn profile is a prime example. A one-page space for you to try and give the best impression possible and ensure your reputation proceeds you. But of course, if everyone else is doing the same thing - how can you stand out?
Check out our 5 tips below to ensure that your headshot catches the eye and helps you to stand out from the crowd.
1. Trust a professional
There’s a reason they’re called professional headshots. Enlisting the services of someone who does this for a living can make a world of difference compared to a selfie on your phone. People can tell when your headshot hasn’t been given much thought, and on LinkedIn that can give the impression that you don’t give much thought to your career. It’s worth going professional.
2. Let the light in
A good headshot means getting the right lighting on your face. Dark shadows can make you look dull, or even worse, sinister. A headshot professional will be able to assist in getting the lighting right.
3. It’s all in the eyes
Like a bad selfie, having bored, glazed-over eyes is going to turn people off. A bright, inquisitive look is captivating so make sure you come alive for your moment. Pro tip: a very slight squint can help make your gaze extra sharp.
4. Keep it natural
This is LinkedIn, not Instagram. It’s not all about looking pretty or showing who you want to be, it’s about who you are - so put down that airbrush. Not only is it important to look professional, but interviewers will also expect you to look like your headshot and won’t be too impressed if you come in looking 10 years older.
5. Don’t overdo it
Like we said in point 4, it’s about you. YOU need to stand out, not something else in the shot. That means no silly hats, no super-jazzy shirts. Just you. Be the best self you can be in your professional headshot and your reputation for professionalism will precede you.
A professional headshot can help your profile jump off the page, catching the eye of acquaintances old and new and providing the positive first impression that will help you stand out from the crowd.
Social media tips recruiters need to give their candidates
As a recruiter, you need to make sure any potential candidates are presenting the best version of themselves to prospective employers. One of the ways you can do this is by teaching them about leveraging the power of social media. This not only relates to how they interact on social media but their profiles and the photography they use. Stock photographs and photos in certain social situations can ruin a candidate's chance of securing a job.
Let’s take a look at some of the critical social media tips that you need to pass onto your candidates…
Clean up your accounts but don’t erase your personality
Your clients are, hopefully, already aware of the fact that they need to clean up their social media accounts. A profile photo of them and a line of ten Tequila shots and a status that complains about their previous boss probably isn’t going to impress any prospective employers. However, this does not mean that your clients should erase their personality altogether.
There is a big misconception that showing off your character on social media is a problem in itself. This is not the case. While people should not be closed-minded, offensive, and unreasonable, they can show off their interests and their opinions. After all, employers want to make sure someone is the right fit for their company. Your client is more likely to make a good impression by showing the type of person they are than dulling down their profile to the point whereby they could literally be anyone.
Use professional photographs
What someone looks like matters. No, you don’t need to be a supermodel. But you do need to present yourself professionally, especially for your LinkedIn headshot. It is a good idea to get photographs taken professionally. Using the same photographs for all profile photos is also a smart move. This is where Safety Pin comes in. We provide professional headshots that will help job hunters to create the perfect impression on their profiles.
Get SEO savvy
All job hunters today should have a basic understanding of search engine optimisation. When they post online and via social media, it is important to include relevant keywords. This will help candidates’ names to feature on the web whenever people are making relevant industry searches. It helps your clients get noticed.
Be consistent
Finally, branding is all about being consistent, and using social media is all about building a strong personal brand. Candidates need to make sure that their profiles tell a consistent story. If someone is present on both LinkedIn and Twitter, for example, do these profiles match up? Authenticity is key, both professionally and personally. If someone’s social media accounts do not match, prospective employers will start to question who they really are.
Four ways to prepare for your professional headshot
If you’re about to go for a professional business headshot, there are some things you will need to think about carefully in order to look your best. Don’t leave it until the last minute. Your professional headshot will be seen by a lot of people on LinkedIn and you may well use it for a good few years, so you have to know you’re going to be happy with the results.
Here are just four things to think about ahead of your photo shoot.
Solid colours look best in headshots, as they won’t detract from your face and lend an air of professionalism. If you do decide to go for something patterned, keep it as simple as possible. It’s worth bringing along a few tops to the shoot and getting some advice from the photographer, but always make sure your clothes are neatly pressed, because creases are difficult to iron out digitally.
Always bring some product and a brush or comb along to tame those flyaways. Make sure your hair is clean and neatly styled, or if you can afford to, consider hiring a stylist on the morning. For those with long hair, it’s worth having a few shots with your hair down and some with your hair up in a ponytail to choose from.
Start off as natural as you can and build your way up throughout the shoot, working your way up to bolder eyeshadow and lipstick. You want your skin to have that ‘dewy’, fresh look, so avoid matte powders which dry the skin out and bring along moisturiser and lip gloss. Anything which can soften the appearance of your makeup will work well on camera. For men and women, don’t alter your beauty regimes too much before a professional photo shoot, as this can cause flare-ups or skin irritation. For men, shave just before you head to your shoot if you want to look fresh-faced and professional.
Practice really does make perfect. While your photographer will be able to advise you on the best place to stand, how to hold your head and all the other practicalities, only you can show off your best smile. There are lots of different types of grin and smiling really can be improved with practice. Flash your best smile in the mirror a few times before you go to your shoot. It will boost your confidence on your big day!